The main benefit the QR code has for your company is making people aware of what you have to offer and convincing customers or potential customers to to take you up on that offer.
In order to maximize the effect of a typical QR code, it has to be able to do something for the customer, or a visitor. Most businesses offer a weblink for additional information on a product or freebies that come with each purchase of a product.
Now, there are a few things that you need to avoid in order not to lose customers when it comes to QR codes.
First, these codes can store plenty of data, but if there’s too much data, the dots tend to be much finer. If the dots cannot be clearly picked up by a typical camera phone, you lose an opportunity for potentially more profits. That’s one reason why you must test codes you want to use. The best way to test your codes is by doing beta testing with your employees using their smart phone cameras to see if they pick it up clearly and whether or not it’s decoded properly.
Another thing to avoid is wasting the time of the person who saw your QR code, decoded it, followed the instructions that it contained only to find that it led them to a wallpaper they have to download, which they may not even like.
One more thing to avoid when posting QR codes with your advertisement posters is to avoid putting these posters in places where there is no signal or internet connection. It is already time consuming to see the QR code and to stop to decode it. To then find out that you cannot send it to the company website for processing because there is no signal or internet connection on that location is frustrating, to say the least.
There are many ways to take advantage of QR codes. You only need to avoid certain things that can end up harming your marketing efforts. People tend to be interested when they see QR Codes. Making sure that they can process it and that it leads to something worthwhile can make the biggest difference to your advertisement campaign.
Lesson 1: What Are QR Codes and What Can They Do For Your Business?
Lesson 2: How Do QR Codes Function and How Do They Compare to Barcodes?
Lesson 3: How To Integrate QR Codes Into Your Business