In the last lesson, we talked about search engines and just exactly how they provided Internet Marketers with priceless information about the problems for which they’re trying to develop solutions. In this lesson, we’re going to discuss just how you can capitalize upon this information and actually earn some money from it.
Before I do so, I’d like to present to you a more formal definition of marketing. The whole “problem-solving middleman” image is just to help you better understand where you fit in. If you’ve done any study in the area of sales and marketing before, then you will be aware that marketing has two important components. If one component is not present, you cannot make money.
Component #1: Demand – there has to be a person or group of people who want or need something.
Component #2: Supply – there has to be something that you can provide to meet this demand.
That’s it! One of the best things about being online is that supply can be virtually infinite. A lot of people have built up 6-figure and 7-figure businesses selling information online, whose supply is obviously limitless, unless you choose to limit it.
So, back to the example in the previous article about the person who searched up, “how to lose weight by skipping rope”. If you had information about this in your possession, don’t you think this could be of particular value to someone who was looking for this?
Both components are present. What’s stopping you from selling what you have? A lot of people tend to get cold feet at this stage. That, or they give up. They don’t know how to set up a website, or they don’t know who to contact or who to ask about different questions they might have.
They’re leaving money on the table, simply because they got too lazy to follow through!
Other people have a different problem. They know how to do all the technologically advanced stuff. They can set up websites, build shopping cart applications into it and get the website up and running, but they don’t have the information to sell.
This is where a subset of “Internet Marketing” that I talked about in the first module comes into play. The next module will talk about something called “Affiliate Marketing”.
In case you miss a lesson (links will be added as the lessons are posted):
Internet Marketing Essentials: All Lessons